Car accidents that involve serious injuries may be hard to navigate successfully. If you want to recover the compensation you need and deserve, you must hire a reliable car accident attorney. The right lawyer will work with you at each step of the claims or court process. They will help hold negligent drivers accountable for their negligent actions. To have a good chance at winning your accident case, here are steps you should take:
File a Police Report
A police report will offer important evidence about where and when the crash took place as well as the parties involved. It will play a vital role in your accident claim as it offers the opinion of the investigating police officer about what caused the crash.
Notify the Insurance Company
If you want to file an insurance claim, report the crash to the insurer. In Georgia, injured car accident victims should file a claim with the insurance company of the at-fault driver. Some insurance policies may have clauses that require reporting of accidents within a certain period, so act right away.
Hire an Attorney
Generally, if you have sustained injuries or property damage in a car accident, you may speak with a lawyer before you contact the insurer of the liable party. Once the insurance company learns about the accident, they will talk to their policyholder to get relevant information and contact you for more details. However, insurance companies are not generous when it comes to payouts. In fact, they will do everything to pay as little money as possible.
Moreover, an insurer may ask questions about your injuries. You should answer their questions carefully, so you don’t reduce your possible compensation. An attorney can help you navigate such possible challenges effectively to maximize your compensation. Your attorney will investigate your case and collect important evidence that can be used to support your claim.
Negotiate a Fair Settlement
After the insurer reviews the evidence that you provided and your demand package, they will make a settlement offer. However, this early offer is usually less than the value of your claim. When you accept this offer, you could end up with uncovered financial losses you will have to deal with later. To ensure this does not happen, you should let an attorney handle negotiation with the insurer. Your attorney will not settle for less than the amount you deserve. And if the insurance company refuses to pay the compensation that covers the full extent of your losses, your attorney can file a lawsuit in court for you.